

Iguanas are purchased more than any other reptile. This is because they are the least expensive reptile that you can buy. This is also the same reason that they are the most neglected. It's important to understand that when you purchase an animal, that there is more to their cost than the listed price. You can get a kitten for free, but it is not free to make sure it's happy and healthy. The same thing applies with a reptile. Iguanas also get very big over time, and if you are not prepared to take care of such a large animal, or do not have room to house it, then buying one is a big mistake.

The temperment of an iguana is molded by it's treatment. They are generally very social, timid animals. It's rare to be bit by an iguana, but if the reptile is not comfortable in your presence, you are likely to be whipped by its' tail. These can be great pets, if you are prepared to be a great keeper.

Iguanas are omnivores. They eat meats and vegetables, but mainly vegetables. It is said that giving them meat, which they can live without, can turn them mean. In my experience, they can live a happy, healthy life with a diet of romaine lettuce, and other fruits and vegetables. It's good to offer them a variety, but you will learn what your pet likes and dislikes. Just be sure not to give them fruits with acids, or peppers. This can cause problems for their digestive system.

Housing an iguana is not an easy task. When they are babies or juveniles, they are fairly small, but they can reach to the size of 4ft long, head to tail. At their adult size, they should have at least a 5ft x 5ft enclosure. Iguanas love to climb and bask, so they should have a tree branch or something similar to perch on. Heat and lighting for these reptiles is important. Sadly, this is the first thing people choose to do without. An iguana will not live without being in the proper temperature, and recieving the appropriate vitamins. UV lights provide essential nutrients that these reptiles would get from natural sun light in the wild. DO NOT BUY AN IGUANA IF YOU CANNOT PROVIDE THEM WITH THIS. They also need to be under heat lamps 24/7. Day heat bulbs and night heat bulbs should be alternated along with your day and night cycle, so that the iguana also has the same cycle. Substrate for these animals can be hay, newspaper, grass or artificial grass.

If you are considering buying an iguana, make sure you will have the space for it once it grows. Also, keep in mind that it will treat you the same way that you treat it.

Bearded Dragons

Bearded Dragons

Not only are these one of the most adorable breeds of reptile, but they are also one of the best if you are looking for an interactive pet. They are very social and very observant.

While the temperment of these animals is truly wonderful, they are a product of how they are treated. Bearded dragons often become attached to their owners, and will show their unhappiness if passed along to someone else. They are very different from most reptiles, in that sense. It's is a rare occaision for a bearded dragon to bite a human, at most they may scratch you with their claws, which is rarely on purpose. They enjoy perching on a human shoulder and observing all that you have to offer. There are wonderful pets for anyone that wants a reptile that's a bit more needy and attentive.

Bearded dragons are omnivores, meaning that their diet consists of both meat and veggies. Vegetables, such as romaine lettuce, cucumbers, carrots, and squash, should be available to them everyday. Crickets, small mice, mealworms, or wax worms should be fed to them every other day.

As far as enclosures go, they need a decent amount of space. These are active reptiles, and they should have room to move about. A 3ft long tank should be large enough for 1 dragons' whole life, as they can grow to be a full 2ft from head to tail. They need several different types of overhead lights; a night heat bulb, a day heat bulb, and a florescent UV light. The UV and day heat bulb should be left on all day, and just the night heat bulb at night. The temperature should be about 85 degress during the day. Bearded dragons love to bask in the heat, so make sure that your pet has something to perch on under the heat bulb. That is where they will spend the majority of their time. There should always be a hiding place and a water bowl that is large enough for them to bathe in, just like any other reptile. Substrate for the tank should be newspaper, which is easiest for cleaning, or Calci-sand.

Overall, these reptiles are a great pet for beginners or children. Just be sure that you are not going to get tired of the animal and give it away. Bearded dragons are not just reptiles, in captivity, they are great companions.

Leopard Gecko

Leopard Geckos
These lizards are great for the beginner. They are relatively easy to care for, and also quite docile. They are more receptive to humans than other lizards are ok to handle regularly. They are a bit hyper when young so younger handlers may need to be supervised. Leopard Geckos are very fragile until they are at least 1 year old.
Housing for a Leopard Gecko is fairly small. They can be kept in a 10gal tank for their entire life as long as there is only one. They should have a hiding place, a shallow water bowl, and something small to climb on. The cage should be lined in Calci-sand, which is a substrate. This is beneficial for reptiles that eat crickets or other insects, because they tend to get the bedding in their mouth when they lunge for their food. This is actually good for them to eat. Leopard geckos do not need alot of special lighting, but do require a heat lamp. They need a day bulb and a night bulb. They should have a constant source of heat.
As I stated in the previous paragraph, leopard geckos eat crickets. They can also eat wax worms and mealworms, though I do not recommend mealworms. If not chewed completely, they can do damage to your pet. A baby or juvenile gecko will eat a dozen small crickets every other day. An adult can eat 1 dozen large every other day.
The only problem with leopard geckos, and any other gecko, is that you have to watch for calcium deficiency. This is a common killer of reptiles. To avoid this, sprinkly calcium powder on your geckos crickets before feeding them. This will provide your new pet with everything it needs to be live a long and healthy life.